Monday, March 3, 2014

When Will You Leave?

We are excited to get back to the Dominican
Republic so we can see our friends who live
there! In the picture above from last summer
our friend Gueddy is styling David's hair
after he had been outside playing in the rain.
This is the question we hear most often when talking with people about our year of service in the Dominican Republic. People understandable want to know what our timeline looks like.

Unfortunately, we don't have a good answer for their question!

Our timeline will be based on several factors, but the main one is financial support. Nappanee Missionary Church, our sending agency, requires us to have all of our start-up costs (see complete BUDGET here) in cash and all of our monthly expenses in cash + pledges.

Once our financial support is gathered, we will put together a plan of when to leave the United States and start our year in the Dominican Republic.

We are very excited to see how God will provide the necessary support - both financial and prayer - to sustain us during our year of service. We believe He is building a team that will uphold us with prayer, encouragement, financial support and love. We're thankful for each and every one of you who reads this blog!

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