Thursday, April 10, 2014

Hands & Feet Rummage Sale

We are only 50 days into the process of officially pursuing God's call to serve in the Dominican Republic and already our lives have been changed and blessed dramatically!

As we said in our last post, we are so overwhelmed with the generosity we've been shown over the past month. 
  • Support money is coming in!
  • We can feel prayer support happening even now!
  • New relationships are being formed!
  • God is proving Himself faithful every day!
Thank you so much for all you've done and the role you play in our lives.

Now, we've got a big announcement and another opportunity to tell you about.

On Saturday, May 24, we are having a Rummage Sale with all the proceeds going toward our support fund. We have graciously been allowed us to use the parking lot at 2206 Lincolnway East (which is also a block away from our house) to hold the sale and we're really excited about it!

We know many of you regularly have garage sales and so we're asking if this year you would be willing to donate some or all of the items that would normally be part of your garage sale to our Rummage Sale. Even if you don't normally have garage sales and just have some extra stuff you've been wanting to get rid of, would you consider donating it to our sale?

One other opportunity we want you to know about: We'd love your help sorting, pricing and staffing the sale on Saturday, May 24. We haven't figured out all the details yet, but we'll start early in the morning and try to keep the sale going until the sun goes down! So if you're up for a full day of fun with us it would be a great blessing!

Let us know if you want to help out in either of these two ways: 
1) Donating items or 
2) Helping with the sale. 
And, of course, you can do both!

You can email us at or
You can call us at (574) 256-8783 or (574) 400-9936

Again, thank you all so much for your friendship and support. We love you!

Monday, April 7, 2014


The question we are asked most often these days is, "How is your support coming along?"

Until today we haven't been able to give a very good response because we had to wait for our monthly report. Well, we got the report from our first full month of raising support and we are blown away by the generosity of our friends, family and even some people we've never met before!

We're happy to announce that we are currently at 13.6% of our total budget! That means we've received a total of $7,137 of our $52,300 budget.

THANK YOU SO MUCH for your financial support! We are overwhelmed with gratitude!

If you want a quicker look at our support, check out the mango on the right side of the page. Your support will help us get back to the place with the world's best mangoes!